For most Government jobs, optimum performance requires more than acquiring knowledge. Agencies need solutions that provide the workforce with rapid knowledge transfer and the ability to apply that knowledge on the job.

Advances in technology have revolutionized training, learning, and performance support, allowing organizations to replace costly in-person interventions with more accessible, technology-driven solutions. Carney’s advanced solutions for our Government clients include simulations, virtual environments, serious games, and augmented reality solutions that:

  • Promote higher engagement with content
  • Deliver increasingly complex content that builds on itself
  • Foster long-term retention and application of knowledge
  • Provide platforms for shared problem-solving and collaboration
  • Allow opportunities for rehearsal, practice, feedback, and performance-based assessment
  • Encourage individuals to accept and adopt key behavioral changes



One of Carney’s most successful interactive and game-like exercise is CyberProtect®. CyberProtect® is a web-based, interactive computer network defensive exercise with a video game look and feel. It is intended to familiarize players with information assurance security terminology, concepts, and policy. Players learn about defensive security tools, which must be judiciously deployed on a simulated network. The player then faces a spectrum of security threats and must make practical decisions for allocating resources (in quarterly increments) using the elements of risk analysis and risk management. Play is divided into four sessions (simulating quarters of a fiscal year). After each session, players receive feedback on how well they are doing. At the end of the last session, players are given a report detailing their cumulative operational readiness rating. The report also details every attack by type, origin, and effectiveness of defensive tools.

Visit the links below to learn more about Carney’s virtual environments capabilities:

Virtual Environment Case Study – Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE)

Learn how Virtual Worlds are being used right now in the Federal Government